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Company Profile

Billion in 2023
this is the customer satisfaction rating of Bynet Data Communications in an annual survey
Years of excellence Bynet Group was established over four decades ago and has since gained a reputation as a technology partner and provider of comprehensive solutions
of our service calls processed & closed same day

About Bynet Data Communications

Bynet is Israel’s leading provider of end-to-end integration solutions and services. The company was founded in 1975 and is part of the RAD Bynet Group. Today, Bynet offers various solutions such as: cloud services, telephony, data security and cyber, enterprise video network management, data center solutions and mobility solutions.
The group consists of more than 20 high-tech companies, representing a total annual income of $1.2 billion, and currently is at the forefront of the industry as an advanced solution provider for organizations and enterprises.

Bynet Group

The Rad- Bynet group is a global leader in voice and data communications technologies. The group consists of a family of independent companies that develop, manufacture and market solutions for various sectors of the telecommunications industry. Established by Yehuda and Zohar Zisapel / 4500 employees / six branches in the USA and 18 worldwide.

Binat’s values

We strive for excellence in everything Our doing, stick to achieving The goals and objectives while being careful on a high professional level, Learning, development and improvement Over time. We promise the appropriate solutions most to our customers.
We all work together to succeed the task. We understand you The added value and the area of ​​responsibility of each partner and work together To promote the satisfaction of our customers. We care that each of us Growing and enjoying the partnership.
We promote innovation in a way Cross-organizational. We are alert to changes in our professional and business environment, Dare to innovate with passion and desire to create unique value.
Human Dignity
Human Dignity
Respect and fairness are the basis of All our activities with our customers and within us. We work to produce for all A work environment that sees the his needs, enables, challenges, Develops and cherishes.
We lead every mission, From the first moment to the whistle The end, out of personal responsibility, Comprehensive vision and understanding of my needs The client, while dealing with barriers, Solving problems, harnessing the partners and decision making.

Bynet Management Team

Alon Ben Zur
Alon Ben Zur
Zvika Shkiller
Deputy CEO
Zvika Shkiller
Chen Azoulay
GM, Bynet Integrated Projects, EVP System Solution
Chen Azoulay
Oz Jacob
EVP Program Delivery & Customer Support
Oz Jacob
Tuvi Ashkenazi
VP Sales Enterprise IT Solutions
Tuvi Ashkenazi
Amir Forkosh
VP Advanced Technologies & Solutions
Amir Forkosh
Nir Maman
VP Marketing
Nir Maman
Judith Efrimy
VP Human Resources
Judith Efrimy
Roy Kadir
Roy Kadir
Tomer Becker
VP Operations
Tomer Becker

Cloud Home
Cloud services

The world of IT is undergoing a massive shift to the cloud, a key enabler of digital transformation. Bynet empowers organizations, to accelerate their digital transformation while taking advantage of aA broad range of Bynet CloudHome services that improve performance and increase productivity.

For further details
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Feel free to contact us with any questions, requests and concerns, we will get back to you as soon as possible