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Rad-Bynet Group

The Rad- Bynet group is a global leader in voice and data communications technologies. The group consists of a family of independent companies that develop, manufacture and market solutions for various sectors of the telecommunications industry. Established by Yehuda and Zohar Zisapel / 4500 employees / six branches in the USA and 18 worldwide.

Bynet Group

Bynet Group, founded in 1975, currently comprises eight integration companies, each of which is a leader in its field. Bynet Group specializes in data communications, computerization and telecommunications, and engages in complex projects requiring a high degree of integration in Israel and around the world.

The RAD Group

A unique business philosophy distinguishes the RAD Group and its founders strategically guide it. Each group member operates autonomously, guided by one common strategic guideline. This decentralized approach maximizes the inherent benefits in small business units, such as flexibility, entrepreneurial spirit and managerial focus. When a business opportunity is identified a new company is established.

RAD Biomed Group

RAD Biomed is a life science incubator that invests in product development which, based on analysis and understanding of needs of variables of the medical world.
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