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Technological solutions

Bynet Security is the information and cyber security division of Bynet Communications, the leading ICT integrator in Israel.

We offer a wide range of information security and cyber solutions for the various sectors and organizations of any size.

All this alongside a team of the best professionals in the market who will accompany the organization professionally while going down to the smallest details, from the planning and characterization phase through the implementation, delivery of the project and service.

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Solutions by manufacturers

Partnership is a central value in Binat’s mission
Our close cooperation with a large number of leading companies in their field gives us access to the most advanced and innovative technologies.


We help our customers solve one of the most complex challenges in our new era – data flooding. Help you grow your business, be at the forefront of innovation, empower and transform your business by adopting the most advanced AI technologies.

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Start growing your business with us
Feel free to contact us with any questions, requests and concerns, we will get back to you as soon as possible