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CyberDome -Cloud Security Solution

CyberDome service was designed by Bynet Communications’ information security engineers based on many years of technological experience.
The system provides a complete multi-layer cyber protection for the organization and integrates the advanced protection products of the leading manufacturers in the market: Cisco, RSA, McAfee, CheckPoint, Symantec, Broadcom, Portnox and Beyond security.

All this combined with a command and control system operated 24/7 by the leading analysts in the industry. The system replaces and / or integrates with the organization’s information security system in an integrative manner and provides most business organizations in Israel with end-to-end protection without additional costs for additional products.

The service is offered for a fixed monthly fee that is known in advance depending on the number of users in the organization, and constitutes a saving both in terms of eliminating the need to purchase and maintain security equipment and in terms of saving valuable manpower for managing, involving and handling cyber alerts.

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All range of Security needs, tailor made for your orginization

How Does it work?

Bynet Cyber & Security Certifications

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Head Of Security & Cyber Division

Ilan Matsliah

Head Of Security & Cyber Division
Start growing your business with us
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